Record Keeping Policy – Children’s Records
Policy Statement:
We keep children’s records for the purposes of operating our business, meeting legal requirements and storing and sharing information. These include personal records and developmental records and are regarded as confidential on the basis of sensitivity of information. These are maintained with regard to the framework of the Data Protection Act and Human Rights Act.
Personal Records include, but are not limited to:
- Children’s Data held electronically in the software of the Nursery (Connect, FAMLY, Microsoft Teams or Tapestry) which includes Contact Details, Medical Information, Booking Patterns and Financial Information
- Nursery Registration Forms (paper), which include Contact Details, Medical Information, Consent Forms, signed Terms and Conditions
- Accident Forms (paper)
- Incident Forms (paper)
- Existing Injuries (paper)
- Medication Forms (paper)
- Daily Registers (paper and electronic)
- Nappy changing charts (FAMLY)
- Sleep charts (FAMLY / paper check)
- Correspondence with parents, guardians and any outside agencies, as required
- Information sharing decisions with outside agencies
- Behaviour Management Documents
- Children’s Data held electronically in the nursery software system (Connect, FAMLY, Microsoft Teams or Tapestry or in paper form in their classroom), which includes observations of children in the setting, photographs, video clips, samples of their work and developmental reports.
- All records are the responsibility of the setting Manager.
- All records are kept in an orderly way in files and filing is kept up-to-date.
- All personal confidential records are stored in a lockable filling cabinet and are kept secure by the manager in the office or other suitably safe place.
- Any electronic records are suitably secured using industry standard security principle of least privilege (POLP) and multi-factor authentication where appropriate.
- Some personal records and all developmental records can be freely accessed by parents and guardians through our online applications and are contributed to, by staff, the children and the child’s parents.
- For personal records that cannot be freely accessed through our online software, parents have access, in accordance with our Client Access to Records Policy, to the files and records of their own children, but do not have access to information about any other child.
- Staff may discuss personal information given by parents with other members of staff where it effects planning for the child’s needs or there is cause for concern. However, the Staff induction includes an awareness of the importance of confidentiality in the role of the key person and will not overshare unnecessary information.
- The setting manager will record decisions for information sharing with outside agencies.
- When a child leaves the setting they are given an electronic copy of their Online Learning Journey and the child’s account is made inactive shortly after restricting parental access (usually within 1 month).
- Any information stored on the nursery software is held indefinitely, but if the nursery choose to leave the software company this data is disabled and cannot be accessed.
- For retention periods of Children’s Records please see our Record Retention Periods Document.